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  • +91-9811 722 064
  • info@evisiontechnoserve.com
  • E 41, Block E, Sector 3,
    Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Refund Policy

Terms and Conditions for Training Fee Refund

  1. No refund policy
  2. The "Job Assistance Plan ( If any Offered ) " period is defined as one-&-half months from the date of start of the program. During this period, at any point if the Candidate get an offer from any company, it will be considered as a Assistance Job and NO refund for them.
  3. The Candidate has to score above 70% in every assessments/Project Assessments , tests, Interview by Industry Mentors (After Complete Training & Project Completed).
  4. 85% attendance in the internship / Training (Live Online or Classrooms) is Mandatory & if less, you will not be eligible to ask for any refund of the fees.
  5. In case of any batch change or transfer of batch in that case Assistance job Conditions will be Null & Void and Refund of Training fee will not be there.
  6. All Videos Uploaded in LMS need to be watched 100% by the candidates .
  7. Fees and dues to be paid on time as per your payment plan.
  8. You will have to attend all interview opportunities organised/presented by The EVISION TECHNOSERVE at any point during the internship or the training program.
  9. On joining The EVISION TECHNOSERVE as an intern, you must understand that placement depends on your knowledge and skills as much as it depends on our training. It is our responsibility to train you well and it is equally your responsibility to study hard and improve across all subject areas/topics during the program.
  10. You must be legally eligible to work in India following the graduation date of the program.
  11. You must be able to pass any background checks associated with jobs that you apply for with potential employers. Without limiting the foregoing, if you fail to obtain a job offer directly or partially due to your failure to pass any background check associated with the job offer you will not be eligible to ask for any refund of program fees There should be no pending or registered case against you in any court of law, police or any other government or civic body in either India or any overseas territory.
  12. Any non-disciplinary behaviour or action during the training period (including plagiarism) will be considered as a breach of the terms of this program and may result in expulsion from the program. In case of expulsion from the program, you will not be eligible to ask for any refund of the fees.
  13. Any Offer Got from any of the Company Through us or Directly on its own and because of any reason if the person doesn’t accept the offer or after accepting the offer leaves the company or company ask him to leave in both cases Job Assistance offer will be null & void then no refund of training fee will be there.
  14. Once the Candidate gets the Job Offer within the Internship Period through us or its own, the candidate is bound to pay After Placement Charges(if any) also as informed before joining the program via the mail or official WhatsApp.
  15. Job Assistance Programs also has condition that even if The EVISION TECHNOSERVE made there Students sit for 3 Interviews or the candidates gets 3 Interview Calls Directly also during the above Job Internship duration will be considered as Job Assistance only ,as even after 3 Interview Calls during the above said duration if the person could not clear the interviews it means he has not prepared himself/herself up to a level of industry expectations.
  16. No compensation, fee reductions, refunds, credit or extension of the program can be given under normal circumstances, including:
    • Services or inclusions as defined on the website not used Late start, absence or early finish from the program Days when the company is closed because of official holidays Failure to fulfil Your obligation